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Caring for Winter Wildlife in your Garden

Winter is undoubtedly the most difficult time of the year for our native wildlife both in urban and rural back gardens. The change in temperatures and onset of both the cold and wet months not only depletes food sources but also reduces the amount of natural protection offered from the now leafless trees and bushes.

With just a few simple steps you can help a multitude of our much loved garden residents.



Wild birds will naturally look for brightly coloured berries, wind fall apples and pears, ivy berries and seeds of plants such as docks, however when they are gone foraging for food becomes much more difficult. This is when bird tables and feeders come into their own. Providing a natural selection of cereals and seeds in feeders is a mess free, safer option to offer the birds during the winter. Positioned well out of reach from our feline friends the feeders will encourage a large selection of birds to visit, it’s also enjoyable to watch your regular visitors or newcomers to your garden.custom image



All creatures great and small need the same during the winter, an opportunity to shelter and forage for food. Allowing dry plant stems to remain standing in the garden will be a great spot to offer protection. Better still hollowed out bamboo or a pile of logs offer a perfect bug hotel for ladybirds, bees and beetles. Peacock butterflies and small tortoiseshells hide in shed corners during the winter. If you see them try to avoid disturbing them.



Hopefully during the depths of winter, the hedgehogs will be in hibernation however if they are disturbed or it’s a particularly mild short winter it’s worth considering their wellbeing and how you can help. Hedgehogs are great for the garden and will happily help keep the slug population down, so avoid using harmful pesticides that they may ingest.

Hedgehogs are great swimmers but can sometimes struggle to climb out of steep-sided ponds and many drown. Add a simple ramp wrapped in chicken wire or create shallow areas at the edge so they can scramble out. Also check for hidden hedgehogs before lighting bonfires, strimming and mowing the lawn. Hedgehogs do also travel far and wide foraging for food or looking for a partner, small gaps in your fencing where possible will allow them to visit neighbouring gardens.custom image



Take a look at the range of wild bird and wildlife products we have available.

Finally, and probably the easiest thing to do is nothing. Set aside an area and allow grasses, wildflowers and nettles to grow, providing shelter and food for mammals and insects, which in turn provide food for birds.

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