Give Your Lawns Some Love!
Autumn is a great time to get on top of your garden ready for the winter.
Collect Leaves
As long as a few piles of leaves are left for sheltering wildlife, tidying the garden of dead leaves can make a big difference to your garden’s appearance. Leaves on paths can also be very slippery and dangerous when wet, as well as fallen leaves smothering grass and killing some plants.
Tidy Up
Remove leaves and dead stems by hand or with secateurs, as well as weeds. A good tip is to spread compost or well-rotted manure over soil to insulate and protect plant roots – the worms will help work it in over winter. Its always a good idea to do your greenhouse maintenance this time of year; sweeping out debris and disinfecting where necessary.
Fix Your Lawn
Remove any thatch and moss using a rake and add it to your compost heap. You can top your lawn up with some autumn lawn feed to help it through the next cold few months. You could also work to improve your drainage and aeration with 10cm holes from a garden fork this season. Autumn also serves as a good time to lay new turf. It’s not a bad idea to leave your grass slightly longer than usual over the Winter and to trim the edge of the lawn with an edging tool or knife to leave it looking smart.
Plant Evergreens
Evergreens provide vibrance to your garden even in the depths of winter; evergreens like Sarcococca and Daphne will fill your garden with fragrant flowers even in the darker months.
Make Repairs
Repair your sheds, compost bins and raised beds and paint them with a wood preservative. Make sure your fences and fence posts are secure and not rotting for winter and ensure your shed and greenhouse are watertight.
Clean Out Nest Boxes & Feeders
Bird boxes with debris, old netting material, old food or unfertilised eggs can carry infection so it’s good practice to wash them out with hot water. Make sure your bird bath remains regularly refilled too.
Sort Out Your Pond
Make sure you scoop any fallen leaves from your pond before they start rotting and blocking any filters and pumps, cutting back any overhanging plants now will mean you don’t have to do this again too soon. Spreading a fine mesh net across your pond and pinning it down with bricks will catch any falling leaves before they hit your pond.
Maintain Equipment
It’s a sensible idea to have your lawn mower serviced this time of year to ensure it is in perfect condition when you need it next year. Make sure you sharpen your shears and secateurs and wash and dry your spades, forks and other tools. Any wooden handles can be protected by a coating of linseed oil.
Clear Out Compost
All this tidying up generates a lot of plant material for your compost heap – clear it out now to make room for next years waste.
Sorting out your garden this time of year will give you a head start when Spring comes in next year, and won’t leave you looking at your garden in the Winter thinking it looks a mess!
For specific advice on which grass seed would best suit your needs please pop in store and talk to one of our advisers or telephone us on 01306 883533 (Attlee) 01622 718062 (Lillico). Take a look at our full range of grass seeds here.
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