10 Top Tips for Travelling Horses Safely
Take a look at our 10 top tips for travelling your horse safely:
1. Make sure you prepare – make a list of everything you may need, get everything packed in plenty of time, and plan your route.
2. Ensure you have your horse’s passport with you whenever and wherever you travel.
3. Think about taking out emergency rescue cover to avoid being stranded if you had a breakdown.
4. Make sure your horse drinks plenty of water. Impaction colic can occur if a horse becomes dehydrated, which can happen when travelling. We stock 25 litre water containers that are great for taking with you when travelling your horse. Saracen Horse Feeds Re-Covery Mash can also be a great way to entice your horse to drink.
5. Protect your horse – use travel boots and a tail bandage to protect their legs and tail in the lorry or trailer. This isn’t just from kicks or scrapes that they may do along the way, but also if you were to have an accident.
6. Don’t over rug your horse. They can become hot and sometimes sweaty when travelling, so don’t wrap them up too warm. Slightly colder is better than warmer. We stock a range of coolers and sheets that are great for travelling your horse in.
7. Use a leather or field safe headcollar – this way it will break more easily if you were to be in an accident. We stock HY Leather Headcollars, which are ideal for travelling.
8. If you’re travelling for more than 3 hours, you should pull over and untie your horse. Let them stretch their head and neck down. When horses are tied up for long periods and not able to lower their heads they can be susceptible to pneumonia.
9. It is useful to know where vet practices are located along your route, should anything go wrong.
10. Carry extra supplies with you. You never know when you might need them. It is always better to have too much hay and water for your horse, than not enough.
The key to a successful and stress free journey is planning. Plan your route and make sure you have everything with you that you could need along your way. Ensure you have plenty of time too, so that you’re not rushing as this can make things more stressful. Travel safety equipment, such as travel boots, tail bandages and leather headcollars can be found in store, along with spare buckets and haynets that you may need for your trip. Ask a member of staff in store for more information or to show you where they are.
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